I made the water more clear, and repainted five of the trees with different colors, making them more three-dimentional and bright.
I made the water seem more "watery" and made the trees in the front of the forest seem brighter.
I added more color to the trees in front of the forest and learned how to make objects in a landscape seem farther apart from each other by using different colors.
I painted the rest of the sea as well as added trees and grass to the base of the mountain.
I painted the base layer of the water and the dirt hill that rises in front of the mountain.
I added the sky and put the base colors on the mountains.
This week we began working on a new project. The idea for the new project was to take 12 small square canvases and combine them the form one large picture. I chose the picture above for my project, which features a large body of water at the base of a tall cliff, with forests